Native Cypripedium Orchids (lady's-slippers)
Depending on species and available stock, we offer native Cypripedium orchids in several sizes, from recently deflasked seedlings to fully mature, multi-stemmed plants. The photos below provide a general idea of what you can expect at each stage of growth. The number of growth buds, or shoots, often corresponds to the age and size of the plant.
There are many factors that influence the growth rate and flowering of hardy lady's-slippers, including exposure, nutrient availability, and irrigation. We offer some guidance to help you succeed on our Cultural Information page.

Developing, Single-Shoot Plant
generally 2-3 years out-of-flask with at least one shoot

Near Blooming-Size, Two-Shoot Plant
generally 3-5 years out-of-flask with at least two shoots

Blooming-Size, Three-Shoot Plant
generally 5+ years out-of-flask with three or more shoots

Multi-Stemmed or Mature Plant
plants that have flowered in our nursery
Calopogon and Pogonia
These delicate bog orchids are available in blooming size bulbs and rhizomes. At our nursery, we find that 80-90% of Calopogon (grass pink) bulbs bear flowers in the current year. Pogonia rhizomes can produce flowers in the current year or may require an additional year or more to mature.
Unless you have naturally wet or boggy conditions, you will likely be growing these in containers or in an artificial bog garden. See our Cultural Information page for additional information.

Calopogon tuberosus
blooming-size corms, generally 2-3 years out-of-flask

Pogonia ophioglossoides
bare root rhizomes, generally 2 years + out-of-flask